Monday, October 10, 2005

weather mounds

andrew, cadence and i

these things are so cool. they all have names of clouds on them, and what each looks like. theres' like 15 of em, and they're all scattered around a sidepark to a frisby golf coarse.


nothing like home to bring a man up..

ground control to major tom..


O i'll pee on your toes

photoshop vs. illustrator


baise amore..

yay! a bit o' torn organ sarcasm

threedye boy

3Dye is design inspired. he is blinded by the light, and the colors that make is up.. he lives for it. it is the only thing that runs through his blood, hence the ribs..

the first frankenstein ideas

isporkyou image#1

bonjor. this collage flew out of me. it sparked isporkyou, the bucket for catching my commercial ideas.


a'ight. here it is, my art blog. i'm gonna post all my random shizzle right hear. if you wanna comment, do so, if not, ok.. so.. enjoy! :D